Liv Daley

Liv Daley
Liv Daley

RYT through The Kaivalya Yoga Method, Certified Accredited Therapist, Health Science Certified

Specialties: Ashtanga, Hatha, Vinyasa, Kids, Pre/Post Natal, Yoga Therapy, Chair Yoga, Mindful Movement
Favorite Pose: Eagle

Follow me on Instagram at @livloveyogawellbeing

“Wanting to find balance in my mental health, I was gifted a mindfulness book by my fiancee, which then led me to yoga and meditation. I fell in love because I found myself again, and with it, the mindset of lifelong learning. I became a teacher because I want to share this practice with anyone willing to step on a mat or sit in a chair. I am passionate about overall well-being, body movement, art and music. I was born in El Paso, TX, grew up near Myrtle Beach, SC, and moved to Belmont with my family in 2022. I’m blessed to be a boy mom, mate to an amazing woman, and I love my fur babies.”