Cory Miller

Cory Miller
Cory Miller

Builder, Design Master & Maintenance Guy

Favorite Yoga Pose: Savasana 

Follow me on Instagram at @lonerangercustomworks

“I’ve always had an interest in building things. Whether it was my bicycle at 15 years old or a coffee table last week, I enjoy the creativity and focus that comes with putting pieces together and producing something I can be proud of. About 10 years ago I seriously got into woodworking. I manufactured a workshop in my backyard and started making anything that popped into my head. My skills improved over time, but so did my joint pain from being on my feet most of the day. To help alleviate that pain, I decided to try a yoga class. Not only did my pain start to subside, but I was able to build more strength and flexibility. I was also able to turn my constantly-racing mind off for an hour. 
These days I continue to build, and I now work on cars as well, which means I need yoga more than ever. I went full time with my art and design, and am now able to work from home so yoga is becoming an even bigger part of my routine. I’m excited to be able to customize Belmont Yoga with my own creations while also taking classes as a student.”