Our Story

Michelle and Cory
The idea for Belmont Yoga began in early 2019. We wanted to bring yoga to the growing downtown Belmont community, and knew that the brand new North Main Station building would be the perfect spot. Over the following year and a half the idea evolved into a very real concept, where our focus was no longer just on yoga, but on people and community. This resulted in us creating both a welcoming yoga studio space and a storefront that highlights all of our amazing local partner artists and makers. 
There’s a stigma around yoga that you must already know what you’re doing, or be super flexible, or wear expensive leggings when you walk into a class. These are myths. Yoga is for everyone, wherever you’re at in your life. Some people enjoy yoga for the physical movement, while others find mental health relief when they practice. Some are on a journey of growth and spirituality, while others find peace in just seeing the same familiar faces each week. We welcome you to our studio regardless of why you choose to practice. 
We’ve walked into studios where everyone puts down their mat in silence in a dimly lit room. We’re not that studio. We’re the studio that encourages you to get to know your neighbor, where your Instructor knows you by name, where you’ll laugh at least once, but probably more. The “Cheers” of yoga studios, if you will. At its core yoga means unity, and we are able to find that unity and common ground when we all get on our mats together.
We love Belmont. We love the people here, the small business focus, the culture and the history. We want our space to feel like home to those who walk into it. Whether you have never practiced yoga, are a seasoned yogi, or just want to shop around in our storefront, you are welcomed at Belmont Yoga. We can’t wait to meet you!
~ Michelle & Cory